Almost every application requires high data integrirty and quality. Very likely is its algorithms to behave weird and produce unexpected results due to invalid input.

An important aspect of software development is data validation. In this article we will explore govalidate package that helps us to validate and sanitize any string, struct and slice in Go.

The package itself is very infulenced by its javascript predaccessor validator.js.


Like any other Go package we should install it first:

$ go get

Getting started

The package provides a set of built-in function for validating all built-in Go type, user structs and collections.

First we should import the package:

import ""

Validating built-in types

We will explore some of the built in functions that validates some untrivial but common types:

If you want to validate whether a string is a URL:

// the function returns an boolean field
isValid := govalidator.IsURL(`http://user@pass:example.come`)

For IP address you should use IsIP function:

// the function returns an boolean field
isValid := govalidator.IsIP(``)

Validating struct

The validation functions have a tag representation that could be used as part of property definition in particular struct.

Lets have the following sruct:

type Server struct {
	ID         string `valid:"uuid,required"`
	Name       string `valid:"machine_id"`
	HostIP     string `valid:"ip"`
	MacAddress string `valid:"mac,required"`
	WebAddress string `valid:"url"`
	AdminEmail string `valid:"email"`

Every of its fields has a validation tag that specifies its format:

  • ID field should be in UUID format and should not be empty
  • HostIP field should be a valid IP address
  • MacAddress field should be a valid MAC address and should not be empty
  • WebAddress field should be a valid URL
  • AdminEmail field should be a valida email address

The Name field is different from the other. It uses machine_id tag which is not built-in govalidator package. This is a custom validation tag defined by registered callback validation function for machine_id key in govalidator.TagMap hashmap:

govalidator.TagMap["machine_id"] = govalidator.Validator(func(str string) bool {
	return strings.HasPrefix(str, "IX")

The function is called for all fields that has valid:"machine_id" tag. It checks whether their value is compliant with desired format.

Then we can validate an instance of Server struct:

server := &Server{
	ID:         "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
	Name:       "IX01",
	HostIP:     "",
	MacAddress: "01:23:45:67:89:ab",
	WebAddress: "",
	AdminEmail: "",

For that purpose we should use govalidator.ValidateStruct function which returns an error and boolean value as result of validation:

if ok, err := govalidator.ValidateStruct(server); err != nil {
} else {
	fmt.Printf("OK: %v\n", ok)


You can read the official documentation for the rest of the functions.