Golang flag package provides flag and subcommand parsing of command line arguments.

Basic flags are available for most of the buildin data types (string, integer, boolean and time.Duration). To declare a string flag username with a default value root and short description, you should use the following code:

package main

import "flag"
import "fmt"

func main() {
    username := flag.String("user", "root", "Username for this server")
    fmt.Printf("Your username is %q.", *username)

Once all flags are declared, call flag.Parse() to execute the command-line parsing.

Good way to organize an command line arguments are subcommands. They are an auxiliary commands of the main application. They group an application functionalities in logical units.

git is an simple example:

git log
git status

Lets a develop an application called siri that has a multiple subcommans and additional flags:

siri send -recipient=john@example.com -message="Call me?"
siri ask -question="What is the whether in London?"

We have these subcommands: send and ask. For each of them, we should create a flag.FlagSet object that represents a set of defined flags:

askCommand := flag.NewFlagSet("ask", flag.ExitOnError)
questionFlag := askCommand.String("question", "", "Question that you are asking for")

sendCommand := flag.NewFlagSet("send", flag.ExitOnError)
recipientFlag := sendCommand.String("recipient", "", "Recipient of your message")
messageFlag := sendCommand.String("message", "", "Text message")

The name argument defines the command name. The second argument defines the error handling behavior:

  • flag.ContinueOnError - continue on parsing error
  • flag.ExitOnError - application exits with status code 2 on parsing error
  • flag.PanicOnError - application panics on parsing error

Each application has os.Args array that includes all arguments passed to it. The first item is always the application name.

We are using os.Args to determine, which subcommand should be executed:

if len(os.Args) == 1 {
	fmt.Println("usage: siri <command> [<args>]")
	fmt.Println("The most commonly used git commands are: ")
	fmt.Println(" ask   Ask questions")
	fmt.Println(" send  Send messages to your contacts")

switch os.Args[1] {
case "ask":
case "send":
	fmt.Printf("%q is not valid command.\n", os.Args[1])

If the mandatory arguments are provided, we execute the parsed commands:

if askCommand.Parsed() {
	if *questionFlag == "" {
		fmt.Println("Please supply the question using -question option.")
	fmt.Printf("You asked: %q\n", *questionFlag)

if sendCommand.Parsed() {
	if *recipientFlag == "" {
		fmt.Println("Please supply the recipient using -recipient option.")

	if *messageFlag == "" {
		fmt.Println("Please supply the message using -message option.")

	fmt.Printf("Your message is sent to %q.\n", *recipientFlag)
	fmt.Printf("Message: %q.\n", *messageFlag)

You can get the sample from here.

If you want more advanced features, there are many third party packages: